Model-model Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Islam: Transformasional, Visioner dan Situasional


  • Muhammad Fadhli IAIN Lhokseumawe
  • Binti Maunah IAIN Lhokseumawe


Leadership Models, Transformational, Visionary, Situational


The purpose of writing this article is to find out the right leadership models to be implemented in educational institutions. The current problem of Indonesian education is that quality is not optimal and evenly distributed. To be able to realize a quality education institution, a variety of businesses are needed. This is because educational institutions have many variables related to it. Facilities and infrastructures, teacher competencies, curriculum and learning, community and government support and leadership. The method and type of data collection in this study is library research by collecting books, journals and the results of previous studies that support the research theme, including literature on leadership which includes transformational, visionary and objective leadership models. The results of this study show that the leadership variables are the most important and urgent variables in an effort to create/ realize quality education. Therefore education leaders need to understand various leadership models that can be implemented and have implications for improving the quality of educational institutions. Educational leadership models have been widely exposed by researchers, but the transformational leadership, visionary and situational models are the most studied in the field of education, ranging from basic education to higher education


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