Peran Guru dalam Membentuk Moral Siswa Menurut Pandangan Sosiologi Agama


  • Panisa Dwi Julian STITNU AL-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Ai Siska Silvia STITNU AL-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Dela Zahara STITNU AL-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Elsa Ditha Fitria STITNU AL-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Nurafilah Febriyanti STITNU AL-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Widayanti STITNU AL-Farabi Pangandaran


Sociology of Education, Religion, Moral Education


In the rapidly developing era of globalization, moral and character aspects are increasingly important. Negative external culture is easily absorbed without a strong filter, so that the consumeristic, capitalistic and hedonistic modern lifestyle without a moral basis is increasingly visible. The younger generation is affected, creating a new culture that expresses itself with negative behavior. Thuggishness, irascibility, and aggressive behavior are increasingly common. Cases of sexual harassment are also increasing, showing a lack of moral values and character. Moral education is the key to changing children's behavior to be more responsible and respectful of others. Moral values play a very important role as a means of transforming Indonesian individuals so that society is better and superior in various aspects of intelligence, including emotional, social, spiritual, kinesthetic, logical, musical and linguistic. This research examines the morality of educational leadership based on religion, philosophy, psychology and sociology. This research adopts a library research method with a descriptive approach. Literature study involves collecting data through library references, reading, taking notes, and processing research materials. By understanding morality from this perspective, educational leaders can provide a positive influence in educational management.


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