Pelatihan Canva dalam Meningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa Kelas X Kuliner SMK Negeri 1 Cijulang
Canva Training, CreativityAbstract
The purpose of this community service is to find out how Canva training increases the creativity of class X students at SMK Negeri 1 Cijulang. For culinary students, creativity is a very important skill because it allows them to innovate and develop unique recipes and presentation styles. In this training, students are taught to use the visual design tool Canva to create useful posters to promote their products. The results of the training show a significant increase in students' abilities in developing creative, innovative and effective designs in visual communication. This research shows that Canva training can be an effective tool for increasing culinary students' creativity. This research also highlights the possibility that graphic design skills can be used in culinary education to increase innovation and creativity in the culinary industry. Using the Canva application for creativity can be applied in actual culinary practice.
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