Pangandaran, 01 January 2022
Dear Authors
J-Staf: Siddiq Tabligh Amanah Fathonah
In connection with being accredited by .... and for the sake of maintaining the quality of the J-Staf: Sidiq Tabligh Amanah Fatonah, we hereby present the results of the J-Staf: Siddiq Tabligh Amanah Fathonah Editorial Team Meeting: J-Staf: Siddiq Tabligh Amanah Fathonah held on August 01, 2022 in the Meeting Room of the Program Study Of Islamic Education Management decided that articles processed from 2022 were expected to meet the following conditions:
Thank you for your willingness.
Journal Manager
Irpan Ilmi, S.HUM.,MM
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) STITNU Al-Farabi Pangandaran
Jl. Pondok Pesantren Riyadlussharfi Walmantiq Babakan Jamanis Parigi Pangandaran 46393 Jawa Barat
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