Zero Waste Life Style guna Mencapai Kesadaran Masyarakat Terhadap Program Karangbenda Bebas Sampah
Waste, Public Awareness, Waste ManagementAbstract
Waste management is one of the crucial issues faced by Karangbenda Village. The lack of public interest and awareness of the importance of waste management hurts the environment. The lack of education and active participation in waste management exacerbates this condition, so piles of waste are often a daily sight in public and residential areas. This Community Service aims to increase public awareness of the Waste-Free Karangbenda Program. This Community Service uses the Participatory Action Research method, which aims to empower the community by actively involving them in the process of identifying problems, formulating solutions, and implementing and evaluating programs. Through a series of socialization activities, discussion forums, waste management innovations, and the provision of supporting facilities, it is hoped that the people of Karangbenda Village can be more concerned and responsible for waste management. Visual and interactive approaches have proven to be effective in encouraging behavior change. Through the installation of educational signs, guerrilla socialization at the Rukun Tetangga level, as well as the use of the 3R Temporary Disposal Site, and the innovation of waste processing into paving blocks, this program succeeded in gradually increasing citizen participation and providing solutions to worthless waste and offering new economic potential for the village.
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