Penyuluhan Parenting dalam Pendidikan Seksual Anak di Era Digital di Dusun Ciliang Desa Ciliang Kabupaten Pangandaran


  • Darto Darto STITNU Al-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Azlika Avilla Mutia STITNU Al-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Vauzan Ridwan STITNU Al-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Niki Nurul Puadah STITNU Al-Farabi Pangandaran


Parenting Patterns, Sex Education in the Digital Era


This service was triggered by the rampant cases of sexual abuse against minors and the ongoing occurrence of sexual deviations such as homosexuality in Ciliang Village. Ciliang Village has entered the red zone and entered a very serious phase. This is due to the lack of sex education that accompanies sex education for children. The view that sex education for children is not worthy of being taught makes sex education for children increasingly neglected. Many children do not receive adequate and appropriate sex education. Sex education for children is an important aspect in their development, especially in the digital era that provides broad and unlimited access to information. The role of parents as primary educators in delivering sex education is becoming increasingly crucial amidst the rampant use of digital media by children. This study aims to examine an effective parenting approach in delivering sex education to children in the digital era. The research method used is PAR (Participatory Action Research) and in-depth interviews with several parents who have school-age children. The results of the study show that an open approach, based on warm communication, and an understanding of the development of digital technology can increase the effectiveness of the socialization of sex education by parents. This socialization aims to introduce sex education as an effort to prevent sexual activity in children in the digital era. The results of this socialization process are shown through sex education efforts to prevent sexual activity in children in the digital era, including: 1) Children understand the differences between the two genders, 2) Children learn about gender according to their respective stages of development, 3) Teaching children the culture of shame, 4) Teaching children religious values, 5) Accompanying and interacting with children when using digital devices and media, 6) discussing good and bad behavior on digital devices and media, and 7) avoiding shows that contain elements of violence, fear, sex, and inappropriate language.


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How to Cite

Darto, D., Mutia, A. A. ., Ridwan, V. ., & Puadah, N. N. . (2024). Penyuluhan Parenting dalam Pendidikan Seksual Anak di Era Digital di Dusun Ciliang Desa Ciliang Kabupaten Pangandaran . Society: Community Engagement and Sustainable Development, 1(2), 306–316. Retrieved from


