Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur'an: Melalui Pelatihan dan Pengkaderan Tahsin Al-Qur’an Metode Ummi di Dta Al-Hasanah Desa Cintakarya


  • Neneng Nurmalasari STITNU Al-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Ina Nurwahidah STITNU Al-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Miftah Nurul Maarif STITNU Al-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Ai Robihatil Millah STITNU Al-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Nurjamaludin Nurjamaludin STITNU Al-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Asep Saepudin STITNU Al-Farabi Pangandaran
  • Deris Hidayat STITNU Al-Farabi Pangandaran


Training, Cadre Building, Tahsin Al-Qu'an, UMMI Method


Cintakarya Village KKN students STIT NU Al-Farabi Pangandaran have carried out PKM which aims to overcome the problem in the Al-Hasanah DTA, namely the low ability to read the Al-Qur'an in accordance with the rules of recitation. This research focuses on efforts to improve the ability to read the Koran in the Al-Hasanah DTA, Cintakarya Village, which is still experiencing difficulties due to the lack of competent teachers and unattractive teaching
methods. Through the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method, KKN students carry out the Al-Quran Tahsin Cadre Training Program using the UMMI Method. Participants in this
activity are students from DTA Al-Hasanah Karangpetir, Cintakarya Village. A 10-day training program was implemented, divided into phases of providing material and teaching training
using the UMMI method. The results showed a significant increase in the participants' Al-Qur'an reading ability. This program also produces training modules that can be used on an ongoing basis by teachers at DTA Al-Hasanah and other institutions. This activity not only helps children learn, but also forms a cadre of teachers who are able to support religious education in the futurereading ability. This program also produces training modules that can be used on an ongoing basis by teachers at DTA Al-Hasanah and other institutions. This activity not only helps children learn, but also forms a cadre of teachers who are able to support religious education in the future


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How to Cite

Nurmalasari, N. ., Nurwahidah, I., Maarif, M. N. ., Millah, A. R. ., Nurjamaludin, N., Saepudin, A. ., & Hidayat, D. . (2024). Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur’an: Melalui Pelatihan dan Pengkaderan Tahsin Al-Qur’an Metode Ummi di Dta Al-Hasanah Desa Cintakarya. Society: Community Engagement and Sustainable Development, 1(2), 328–337. Retrieved from


