Pengembangan Potensi UMKM Rumah Berdaya Disabilitas Melalui Produk Susu Kedelai
Business Model Canvas, Disability, MSME, Soy MilkAbstract
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a company's commitment to contribute to sustainable economic development by taking into account social and environmental aspects, especially for children with disabilities. Discrimination, stigmatization of disability has a major effect on the difficulties of persons with disabilities in achieving independent living. For example, the assumption that people with disabilities are not productive and are seen as a burden on the family. In order to achieve independence, people with disabilities are required to make efforts to fulfill their needs and improve their social skills.
Based on these issues, a social & environmental responsibility (CSR) program was formulated through Tor (Term of Reference) to guide the development of soy milk MSMEs at Rumah Berdaya, located in Gerem Village by innovating product packaging and introducing products through digital platforms, as well as training assistance for 8 months. The purpose of this program is to increase the importance of product innovation and the importance of using the business canvas model in entrepreneurship. The implementation method consists of several stages, namely baseline survey, socialization and program assistance. The results of this program are innovations in soy milk product packaging, product marketing with a business model canvas, making Standard Operating Procedure and calculating product COGS, and increasing knowledge as well as income for people with disabilities in the area.
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