Pola Pengasuhan Orangtua dalam Membentuk Karakter Anak-Anak KOBER Smart Bee Pangandaran
Parenting Styles, Parents, Children's CharacterAbstract
This research aims to explore the parenting styles employed by parents in shaping children's character at KOBER SMART BEE Pangandaran. The subjects of the study were parents of students at KOBER SMART BEE Pangandaran. The research utilized a descriptive qualitative approach, employing observation, interviews, and field documentation as the primary methods of data collection. Data analysis techniques included data collection, data transcription, coding, theme identification, data categorization, and data interpretation. The validity of the research was ensured through credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The research results show that the authoritative parenting style has become the most dominant parenting pattern among parents at KOBER Smart Bee Pangandaran. Parents employing this style set clear boundaries while allowing room for children to express themselves and develop, which positively impacts their independence, self-esteem, and emotional regulation. Additionally, authoritarian parenting style was also identified, characterized by strict control and high expectations for obedience, often resulting in compliant children who may lack confidence and critical thinking skills. Conversely, permissive parenting style, marked by excessive freedom and lack of boundaries, tends to produce children who are less disciplined and struggle with rule-following. In conclusion, the diverse parenting styles observed at KOBER Smart Bee Pangandaran reflect the complexity in parental approaches to shaping children's character. Understanding and acknowledging this diversity is crucial in assisting parents to choose the most appropriate approach in raising their children, thereby supporting optimal development of their character and social skills.
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