Mengenali dan Menangani Speech Delay Pada Anak
Speech Delay, Child, Preschool.Abstract
The language development problems, especially speech delay, are developmental problems that are often found. Research in several countries states that about 6 to 8% of preschool children have speech delay problems (Boyle, Gillham, & Smith, 1996; Tomblin, Smith, & Zhang, 1997 in Law et all., also Macias and Wagner, 2005). The purpose of this study is to recognize and treat speech delay in children. This research method is a literature study. The result of this study is an explanation of children's speech development, speech problems in children, the definition, characteristics and causes of speech delay in children and how to deal with speech delay in children. This study concludes that speech learning involves children's receptive and expressive speech. Problems in speech development can also be seen and addressed from these two bases.
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